These collages are my latest attempts at exploring new ways of connecting the dots. Of finding other levels and dimensions of connectedness that go beyond and across those we have established as normative through traditional reductionist science or capitalist utilitaristic logic. Making collages is the perfect way of stitching together a world that is falling apart. Cutting up all the old pieces and disconnected parts and put them together in ways that might point to new and more sustainable life-forms. Inspired by as well what Anna Tsing calls Polyphonic assemblages as Ursula LeGuins carrier bag theory.
Looking for a new recipe
All we like sheep....
To connect the dots in ever new ways, I am always exploring new ways to digest and compost what I find. Therefore what you will find if you browse the Gallery is all kinds of mixedmedia sculpture and collages. The sizes vary, the materials vary, and the prices range from 100-2000 €. If you find anything you like so much you want to buy it, please get in touch with me and we may meet in my studio in Copenhagen.