A quest to make the invisible visible.
In the early 90’s I spent a year living in New York City studying sculpture and learning to carve marble with the expressionist sculptor Philip Pavia.
15 years later I began to make more sculpture in the line of what they call Art Brut. Partly because I was so disgusted by the onslaught of digitalisation.
Realising the deep effects of the disenchantment that science and critical thought has brought upon us over the last 300 years, has made me start to ponder the need to reconnect to the magical powers of the spirit.
For me working with art is an attempt at creating objects that might work as transceivers (is there such a word ?) for some of what we have lost.
The aim of my art is to touch and move the soul – so that you recognize or remember that you have one – that others do too – and that these souls can connect and interact in any number of amazing ways that you often forget in the rapid flow of everyday life.
My focus is on creating passages and pathways to open the vaults of the soul and gain access to the vast mythic and existential realms that we all contain, whether we are aware of it or not.
It is a constant process of investigation. An endless attempt to capture the unattainable, the unapproachable – that which cannot be captured.
I like to think of creativity as the metabolism of the mental ecosystem.
Using our creative faculty is how we transform one kind of chaotic energy to something else - something formed, ordered, patterned, symbolic, meaningful. Therefore the true aim of creativity (if you can even speak of an aim to such a basic expression of aliveness) is not the production of artworks, that can become commodities, but the transformation of energy and information that is the essence of what ecosystems do. Creativity is that unique property of the mental ecosystem, that enables us to integrate still higher levels of complexity in our consciousness.
Dan Siegel who has developed the field of Interpersonal Neurobiology describes it like this:
“In interpersonal neurobiology we view health and creativity as emerging from the same integrated flow of life… Creativity emerges as we move in a serpentine fashion through the river of life, moving toward - but not becoming stuck for long periods of time - on the bank of rigidity or the bank of chaos.”
Doing creative work is my best training ground for surrendering to the uncontrollability of the world.
Through the aesthetic sensing that creativity opens for me, I find the easiest way to connect with the shapes, colours, patterns and materials of the world, which is the magic that makes it all meaningful to me.
To connect the dots in ever new ways, I am always exploring new ways to digest and compost what I find. Therefore what you will find if you browse the Gallery is all kinds of mixed media sculpture and collages. The sizes vary, the materials vary, and the prices range from 100-2000 €.
If you find something you like so much you want to buy it, please get in touch with me and we can meet at my studio in Copenhagen.